William McRaven: He was a very flamboyant officer. He had served in Vietnam as an enlisted man — became a mustang, as we say — he was later commissioned. And he was brilliant in his own way and I harbor absolutely no ill-will against Dick Marcinko. But I was young, and he was trying to shape SEAL Team Six at the time. And I came in with probably a little bit more of a conservative belief in how we should run operations. I believed in kind of the basic tenets of good order and discipline because I had learned that — growing up in the earlier part of my SEAL team — good order and discipline made a difference. It made a difference in the morale of the men, it made a difference in the professionalism of the men, it made a difference in the operations. And Dick Marcinko’s approach was a little bit more, I don’t want to say cavalier, but he had a little bit different approach in terms of how he looked at both the relationship of the men and the relationship of the operation. So it was a little bit of a conflict of personality and a conflict of how business gets done on the SEAL teams. But again, he was the commanding officer. So in a military organization, at the end of the day the commanding officer makes the decisions. And again, I don’t fault him for the decision, but it was one of those things I had to deal with personally when I went on to another SEAL team. Because people knew that I had just been essentially relieved of that command position, and that’s not a good thing in any institution. So you have to be able to — it kind of summons up your personal courage — and decide that, “Okay, things didn’t go so well. I’ve got to prove that I’m as good an officer as I think I am. I have got to continue on.” The option to quit was always there. It’s a volunteer force. I could have gotten up and left.