So, we would go on our bandstand and it would be fun. The women would be out there and we’d be singing and making our little symbols and our dance steps. You’d have like, battles of the bands, and everybody’s bands would be there, but it would be loud! We’d be playing so loud half the time, my ears would be ringing after the gigs. It’s fun. People would be hyped up on the rock gigs and that’s fun. But, you listen to Coltrane and that’s something human, something that’s about elevation. That’s like making love to a woman. It’s about something of value, it’s not just loud. It doesn’t have that violent connotation to it. I wanted to be a jazz musician so bad, but I really couldn’t. There was no way I could figure out to learn how to play. My daddy would teach us and let us come on his bandstand, but we were so sad. You know, you start out playing jazz, and you can’t play. You try to improvise — and it’s so pitiful the way you sound, you can’t swing, you’re just technically playing, and then you listen to the records of people like Clifford Brown and the greatest instrumentalist, Louis Armstrong. And, we came up in a generation where rock and roll is popular, and nobody is even playing trumpet on a lot of that. Just the content of the music is different.